Pump Priming Research Scheme
The British Society for Surgery of the Hand invites applications from its members and associates for its pump priming scheme.
This is intended principally to pump prime early studies and systematic reviews, that may lead to applications for larger funding from other organisations.
The projects funded should pump prime research with the potential to benefit patients.
The scheme has £10,000 of funding available each year.
The aim of the scheme is to promote high quality research proposals, to support pump priming, proof of principle and feasibility studies or to increase the chances of applicants being successful in winning substantial external funding.
If you are successful in your application you will need to commence your project within 6 months of the award of the grant. You will also be expected to provide a progress report 6 months after the first transfer of funds from the BSSH, and subsequently within 3 months of the end of the project.
There is an expectation that the work of grant recipients, if suitable, will be submitted for publication.
Applications should be sent to secretariat@bssh.ac.uk by 1st August each year and award decisions will be made in the Autumn, sometimes following an interview. If you require further information or have any queries with regard to these awards please contact the Secretariat.
Apply Here: Application Form
Pump Priming Grants
Pump Priming Scheme
The BSSH invites applications from its members and associates for its pump priming scheme
This is intended principally to pump prime early studies and systematic reviews, that may lead to applications for larger funding from other organisations
The scheme has £10,000 of funding available each year
If you have a project Read more here
2023 Rebecca Shirley, Conrad Harrison et al
Remote symptom monitoring to improve outcomes, equality, and service efficiency in hand surgery
We are testing a smartphone app that could monitor how people recover after surgery. It does this by using ‘artificial intelligence’ to ask people questions about their hand every day.
Read the interim report
2023 Chane Kulenkampff
PAIN P1 Post Amputation Incidence of Neuroma and Neuropathic Pain
This project will aid in establishing diagnostic criteria for early identification of neuromas enabling timely treatment
Read the interim report
2022 Matthew Wilcox
NECTAR (Neurofilament Light chain Evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Before and After Surgical Release)
A wealth of therapies have been shown to accelerate nerve regeneration in the laboratory. The benefits of these therapies are yet to be seen by clinicians/patients
Read report
2022 Luke Geoghegan
Developing Preference-based Outcome Measures for Meaningful Health Economic Analyses in Hand Surgery
We have produced a value set for the PEM, meaning that health utilities can be determined through patient responses to a hand-specific questionnaire.
Read the report
2021 Nathalie Fennell
PROximal interphalangeal Joint fracture dislocations, Epidemiology, Classification, Treatment (PRO-JECT) consensus meeting to develop an improved classification system and design clinical trials
Report to follow
2021 Matthew Murphy
Identification and validation of tissue-resident human Skeletal Stem Cells (hSSC) in the 1st Carpo-metacarpal Joint (CMCJ) of osteoarthritic (OA) patients.
Read the report
2021 Rachel Kuo
Develop and validate an AI algorithm to diagnose scaphoid fractures on radiographs
This work is relevant to any large-scale research or audit project, that requires extraction of clinical text.
Read the report
2021 Ryckie Wade
How Diffusion changes within the Ulnar Nerve following Cubital Tunnel Release
The aim of this study was to ascertain how diffusion within the ulnar nerve changes following surgical decompression.
Read the report
2020 Liam McMorrow
In-vivo evaluation of a novel composite conduit for peripheral nerve repair
Contact secretariat for report
2020 Conrad Harrison
Deeper insights into hand surgery outcomes: the feasibility of Ecological Momentary Computerised Adaptive Testing in thumb-base arthritis
The work has generated one paper so far Link here
2019 Mark Mikhail
Feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial of surgery vs. conservative management of ulnar collateral ligament injuries of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb
Read the report
2019 Prof Abhilash Jain
LIgatioN versus Surgical Excision of Pendunculated Ulnar Polydactyly (LINE UP)
The optimal management of type B ulnar polydactyly an important and unaddressed question.
Read the report
2018 Edward Jeans
Defining in vivo kinematics of single piece silastic proximal inter phalangeal joint with magnetic resonance imaging
We have assessed various designs for thermoplastic splints to hold the patients finger comfortably in position during the MRI scan to reduce movement artifact.
Read the report
2018 Angela Kedgley
The role of the extrinsic finger muscles in wrist function
This is the first physiological simulator with the ability to recreate motions of the hand and wrist.
Read the report
2016 Matt Gardiner
Feasibility of hand surgery randomized controlled trials with placebo arm
Is it feasible to conduct a hand surgery randomized controlled trial with a placebo arm?
Read the report
2015 Mo Akhavani
Ex Vivo Normothermic Perfusion of the Pig Forelimb
Skeletal muscle ischaemia is one of the most critical factors in achieving a good outcome from composite tissue transplantation such as the upper limb.
Read the report
2015 James Henderson, Abhi Jain & Professor Jane Blazeby
MALIT Trial Pilot Work
This has been preliminary work to inform the design of a main trial in mallet injury splinting. We sought to answer the question “what is the optimum duration of splintage for a mallet injury
Read the report