Education and Travel Bursary
These awards are for BSSH members who wish to travel to centres of Hand Surgery, nationally and internationally and can be used to cover travel and accommodation (costs for childcare, UK rent, mortgage and similar routine living costs will not be covered). These awards also cannot be used to cover course fees or travel expenses purely to attend a course.
These awards comprise of individual grants of up to £2,500 and are to support the education and training of BSSH members. Up to £10,000 in total will be awarded each year at the discretion of the Education and Training Committee.
If support is requested for a salaried fellowship then a clear explanation of the discrepancy between salary and costs incurred must be detailed
The closing dates are:
31 January annually for awards to be announced in March/April
31 July annually for awards to announced in September/October.
Please submit your application and abridged curriculum vitae to the Chairman of the Education and Training Committee by completing the application form below and returning it to
Please note that these awards will not be awarded retrospectively except in exceptional circumstances, which must be detailed.
Successful applicants are required to submit a short written report within two months of completion.
Reports from past BSSH Education and Travel Bursary awards
Melissa Mahoney
Dept Hand and Peripheral Nerve Surgery,
Royal North Shore,
Read the report
Kalpesh Vaghela
Kaplan Hand Institute, Barcelona,
Read more
Stephen Ali
Groote Schuur Government Hospital,
Cape Town,
South Africa
Read more
Han Hong Chong
Department of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery,
Singapore General Hospital
Read more
Rohi Shah
Department of Hands & Reconstructive Microsurgery,
Singapore General Hospital
Read more
Nathalie Fennell
Groote Schuur Government Hospital,
Cape Town,
South Africa
Read more
Institut de La Main, Paris, France
The Working Hands Charity, Nepal
Khoo Tech Puat Hospital (KTPH) Singapore
Shriners Hospital for Children, St Louis & The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Columbus
Department of Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto
Austin, Texas, Louisville, Kentucky, and Chicago Medical Center, USA
Shriners Hospital for Children, Philadelphia
Ganga Medical Centre, Cambatore, Tamil Nadu
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia