Summary of progress /findings (approx 300 words)
Following the grant award, the study underwent some further protocol development and refinement and additional PPI/E work to ensure patients remained receptive and felt that the question remained relevant and important to patients.
There was a minor delay that occurred due to long term sickness within the team and the study was submitted for sponsorship review in early December. The study is currently in the final phase of the sponsorship review process, and it is anticipated that approvals will be received imminently. The study will then be submitted for ethical review, with a view to commence recruitment as soon as ethics is received.
During this time, a further survey regarding national practice has been completed to establish the common methods utilised to manage digital nerves at the time of amputation in both traumatic and non-traumatic injuries. This established that practice nationally appears to be predominantly traction neurectomy with some surgeons opting to diathermy nerves at time of amputation. A further preliminary prospective audit of patient outcomes has also been completed highlighting that the incidence of intrusive neuropathic pain was 59% at 3 months following amputation.
We feel that each of these projects strengthens our current proposed research study and establishes the need to further investigate this common issue and establish pathways to effective diagnosis and treatment.