Summary of project/progress /findings (approx 300 words)
Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) is the 2nd most common compression neuropathy (~6% prevalence1,2) which changes the architecture of the ulnar nerve3,4, leading to demyelination, axonal loss and fibrosis3,4. Surgery is the recommended treatment for CuTS but the health service lacks a reliable test for CuTS5–8. Therefore, clinicians observe patients for a mean ~15 months before offering surgery and/or use electrodiagnostic tests which have a high false-negative rate8,9. This diagnostic delay means that most patients develop muscle loss prior to surgery10 and 13% don’t benefit11.
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) characterises tissue microstructure and provides reproducible12–15 proxy measures of nerve health which are sensitive to axon type, diameter, density, myelination and organisation16–19. Our group has already shown that dMRI can differentiate healthy ulnar nerves from those affected by cubital tunnel syndrome20, whereby patients with CuTS have a 6% lower fractional anisotropy and 23% higher radial diffusivity (Figure 1) than healthy controls.

Figure 1. Longitudinal (left) and axial (right) sections of a peripheral nerve. Diffusion of water in healthy nerves (blue) is bidirectional. In nerves subject to chronic compression (red), demyelination enables water to diffuse radially between axons and axonal loss means a net reduction in anisotropy.
The aim of this study was to ascertain how diffusion within the ulnar nerve changes following surgical decompression. The hypothesis is that after decompression, the ulnar nerve architecture would improve (with axonal regeneration, remyelination, etc) and so, diffusion would recover anisotropy.
To-date, we have recruited 17 patients with CuTS. Of these, 14 have undergone pre-operative dMRI followed by surgical decompression. Five have returned for their 3-month post-operative scan, 2 are lost to follow-up and the remainder have scans booked.
Interim analyses of the available data indicates that anisotropy in the ulnar nerve recovers after surgical decompression. At just 3-months post-operatively, dMRI detects a mean improvement in anisotropy of 2% and a 9% reduction in radial diffusivity, which suggests the regeneration of neural structures19 and restoration of normal axoplasmic flow.

Figure 2. Raincloud plot showing that 3-months following surgical decompression, the fractional anisotropy within the ulnar nerve improves by a mean of 2% (CI 1-4%)