Training Interface Group (TIG) Committee
Who We Are
The Interface Group in Hand Surgery, Joint Committee of Higher Surgical Training is responsible for supervising advanced training posts (ATPs) in hand surgery (combining input from Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery and from Plastic surgery). We are responsible for setting the standards required for Interface training, and provide oversight for existing ATPs in Hand Surgery and any other posts that have educational approval (additional posts need to be agreed by the SACs in Plastic Surgery and Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery). We welcome feedback from all trainees in these posts and review surgical logbooks to ensure posts are meeting their educational needs and in order to continually improve the programme.
Committee Members

Mr Chye Yew Ng
Chair Interface Committee in Hand Surgery 2021-2023
C.Y. is a Consultant Hand Surgeon based at Wrightington Hospital. He has particular interests in peripheral nerve injuries and scaphoid pathologies.

Miss Anne Tansley
Interface Training Oversight Group (ITOG) Chair
2019 - 2022

Dr Geoff Wright
Lead Dean
2013 - present
Jonathan Hobby
SAC in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery and
Hand Surgery Quality Assurance Lead 2017-2020
Jonathan is a Consultant Hand and Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Hampshire Hospitals NHS FT. He served as Honorary Secretary (2016-19) and has been chairman of the BSSH Instructional Courses and is Co-Chair of the FESSH Academy course.

Mr Robert Winterton
SAC in Plastic Surgery (curriculum lead) and
Hand Surgery TIG Curriculum Lead 2016 - 2021

Miss Grainne Bourke
Hand Surgery TIG Selection Lead and
BSSH Representative for Plastic Surgery 2020 - 2022

Mr Lindsay Muir
BSSH Representative for Trauma and Orthopaedics 2021 - 2023
Lindsay is a Consultant Hand Surgeon based in Manchester.

Mr Sameer Gujral
Trainee representative 2020 - 2021

Mr Edward Jeans
Trainee representative 2020 - 2021