MSc in Hand Surgery
What is it?
- One or two years of self-directed study to produce a dissertation
- Options for the dissertation are in the course manual and they range from service improvements to systematic reviews.
- Your work for the Diploma makes up two thirds of the educational credit for the MSc.
Why me?
- As a holder of the Hand Diploma you are uniquely qualified to progress to the Hand MSc. Maybe you have a burning research question you want to answer or have not previously had chance to complete a higher degree, here is that opportunity.
Am I eligible?
- Candidates who have successfully completed the full Diploma course are eligible to choose to progress to a higher Postgraduate qualification in Hand Surgery with the BSSH in conjunction with Manchester University.
- From successfully passing your Diploma exam you have 5 years to commence the Masters programme.
- From enrolment for the MSc you will have two years to complete and be awarded the Masters.
Where do I start?
- The first step is to attend the Virtual Research Design and Skills Course which takes place on line in June each year. This course is free to attend and provides lots of opportunity to discuss the course and research ideas.
- The course covers:
- Basic Statistics for Researchers
- Critiquing a scientific paper
- Designing a Systematic Review
- Preparing a research grant proposal
- The Clinical Trials Initiative
- How to write a scientific paper
- The experience of a past MSc candidate
- Effective Study Design
- It is essential for progressing to the MSc, but you are not obliged to sign up afterwards.
- All candidates need have an up to date Good Clinical Practice Couse. Please follow the link to undertake the course or the refresher ‘Good Clinical Practice’.
It is recommended that the MSc Manual is downloaded and read in full.
What is involved?
- Choice of study involves a written dissertation of between 10-15,000 words on a Hand Surgery topic which must be original.
- Each candidate will have an approved dissertation Supervisor who will monitor progress along a defined timeline.
- The dissertation will be submitted and will be reviewed by an academic panel who will award a pass, fail or distinction.
- Credits from the Diploma course count to the final mark.
- There is no examination or viva at the end; marking is on the written submission only.
How long does it take?
- The duration of the programme is one to two years starting in the September of the year of enrolment.
- Expressions of interest are sought in Spring each year.
- This allows enrolment ready to start in September. Submissions are expected in the September one or two years later.
What does it cost?
The biggest cost to any applicant will be time and the self-discipline required to complete the course. This should be carefully assessed before entry. The course fee can be advised by contacting
Who should I contact?
Further details can be obtained by contacting the BSSH office (
Past Graduates
Year |
Name |
Title of Dissertation |
2023 |
A Systematic Review of the Complications of Oblique Ulna Shortening Osteotomies.
2022 |
Preetham KODUMURI |
Developing A Green, Safe And Cost-Efficient Hand Surgery Model By Reducing Carbon Footprint In Operating Theatres. Link to published paper: doi: 10.1177/17531934231176952
2019 |
Shoaib ARSHAD |
A Service Evaluation of Hand Trauma Provision in a
Large District General Hospital
2018 |
Rebecca DUNLOP |
Outcome of Surgical Repair of Digial Nerve Injury. A systematic Review |
2017 |
The Management of Actute Fracture Dislocations of Proximal Interphalangeal Joints
2016 |
The Management of Chronic Non-Arthritic Scalapholunate Dissocaition. A Systematic Review |
If you wish to see a copy of any of the above dissertations or contact the author about their study please get in touch via