- Education and travel
- BSSH educational grants
- Medical student elective bursary
- Pulvertaft Multimedia presentation prize
- Scar Free / BSSH Medical Elective award
- Future Leaders Programme - BOA & RSC Edinburgh
- BSSH Bursary - The British Association of Hand Therapists
- Pulvertaft prize essay - discontinued 2024
- Pioneers Lecture
- Douglas Lamb lecture
- Harold Bolton lecture
- Best Free Paper Prize
- Best Poster Prize
- Other information - RCS England
Alternatively if you are searching for alternative funding options through the BSSH's selection of research grants and fellowships, please click here.
These awards are for members who wish to travel to centres of Hand Surgery, nationally and internationally and can be used to cover travel and accommodation (costs for childcare, UK rent, mortgage and similar routine living costs will not be covered). These awards also cannot be used to cover course fees or travel expenses purely to attend a course. These awards comprise of individual grants of up to £2,500 and are to support the education and training of BSSH members. Up to £10,000 will be awarded each year at the discretion of the Education and Training Committee.
If support is requested for a salaried fellowship then a clear explanation of the discrepancy between salary and costs incurred must be detailed
The closing dates are:
31 January annually for awards to be announced in March/April
31 July annually for awards to announced in September/October.
Please submit your application and abridged curriculum vitae to the Chairman of the Education and Training Committee by completing the application form below and returning it to the Secretariat.
Please note that these awards will not be awarded retrospectively except in exceptional circumstances, which must be detailed.
Successful applicants are required to submit a short written report within two months of completion.
Application form
Click here to read reports from previous bursary recipients
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This grant is awarded to BSSH members for any activity that will support education and training in aspects relating to the management of patients with Hand Pathology. Examples could include the development of educational materials such as a Hand Trauma app or e-learning material, or running educational meetings, training meetings or symposia. Other relevant ideas will be considered.
The grants will not be awarded to cover course fees for individuals, fees for postgraduate qualifications or sponsorship to set up courses where a course fee is charged. Grants of up to £5,000 can be awarded at the discretion of the Education and Training Committee each year.
These grants are available to BSSH members only. Details of membership can be found here
Application should be made by completing the form available below and should be accompanied by an abridged curriculum vitae.
The closing date is 31 July annually for awards to be announced September/October.
Please submit your application to the Chair of the Education & Training Committee through the Secretariat.
Please note these grants will not be awarded retrospectively.
Successful applicants are required to submit a short report within two months of completion of the project.
Application form
Click here to read reports from previous grant recipients
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BSSH has a fund of £2000 to offer bursaries to support medical student elective attachments in Hand Surgery.
From June 2023 these bursaries will only be available to BSSH student members or those who are in the process of applying for membership.
See JOIN BSSH for more information
The closing date is 31 January annually for awards to be announced in March/April
The attachment should be completed within 18 months of the award.
Please note this bursary will not be awarded retrospectively.
Successful applicants are required to produce short report to the Education and Training Committee of the Society within 2 months of completion of the elective. The report can be in writing, as an infographic or a short video. This will be displayed on the BSSH website to guide future students.
Applications should be sent using the application form below to the Chair of the Education and Training Committee via the Secretariat.
Click here to read reports from previous bursary recipients
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The BSSH through its education & training committee sponsor an annual competition for BSSH members to submit a short educational video or podcast to encourage the production of such media on the topic of hand surgery.
A prize to the value of £750 is intended to encourage the production of videos or podcasts on hand surgery to enlarge the BSSH audio-visual Library. The deadline is 31 July annually and entries will judged by the Education and Training Committee at its Autumn meeting. The prize winning media will be uploaded to the BSSH website and YouTube channel. The videos or podcasts can be sent electronically via such means as Google Drive, DropBox, WeTransfer or YouTube link to the secretariat.
The criteria for entries is available here. Please read this before submitting an entry.
Members can view previous winning submissions here.
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The Scar Free Foundation in conjunction with BSSH offers a Medical Student Elective Award of £1,200 for the personal support of students, who is concentrating on the hand, during their 6-8 week elective period. Further information can be found on the Scar Free Foundation website.
Reports from previous recipients in can be found here:
The BSSH is continuing to sponsor 1 place per year on a Future Leaders Programme.
The award will alternate between an orthopaedic surgeon, attending the BOA programme and a plastic surgeon attending the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh programme.
Next rounds are:
25/26 sponsoring a plastic surgeon on the RSCed course. - More information from RCSEd here
26/27 sponsoring an orthopaedic surgeon on the BOA course. - More information from BOA here
Both programmes are delivered by Ms Lisa Hadfield-Law, respected educator and leadership development coach. This is a great opportunity to develop your non-surgical skills and benefit future patients
These places are only open to members of BSSH. To be eligible to take part in the sponsored programme, when the programme runs, you must be :
- A BSSH Associate or Full member
- And one of the following:
- A senior trainee (ST8 or above)
- A newly appointed consultant (less than 3 years)
- An SAS Surgeon
- A post-CCT Surgeon
- Successful orthopaedic candidates must also be a BOA member when the programme runs to be eligible to take part.
BSSH will select the successful candidate by panel assessment. All applications will be anonymised to reduce the potential for unconscious bias.
For more information about participation in the programme past and future click here
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This bursary is to enable BAHT members to attend an international conference or national BSSH meeting which will enhance their hand therapy skills or knowledge. The bursary is funded by the BSSH but awarded via BAHT. Applications are judged anonymously and independently by members of the BAHT executive committee. The award is made to the applicant with the highest average score.
For more information: BSSH Bursary - The British Association of Hand Therapists
The Society offered a prize to BSSH members for an essay on a topic decided by the President of that year. This prestigious award, in honour of one of the pioneers in UK Hand Surgery was awarded from 1975 - 2023. Essays were of a maximum of 2,500 words and were assessed by the President and two other officers, council members or committee chairs. The Prize was discontined in its purely essay format in 2024
Click here to view a list of previous Pulvertaft Prize essay winners
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An invited lecture that gives us an opportunity to remember and recognise the contributions of many of our pioneers. Members nominated by BSSH and successful in being awarded the status of IFSSH Pioneers in Hand Surgery are those we wish to honour.
IFSSH Pioneers in Hand Surgery are awarded every three years to coincide with the IFSSH Conference and nominations are made by host societies. The IFSSH has the following to say about their Pioneers
"The IFSSH awards "Pioneer of Hand Surgery" status to any person who excels exceptionally, beyond what is normally expected in the field of hand surgery. The enormous contribution of the Pioneers to Hand Surgery will influence many generations of Hand Surgeons to come. Ultimately of course, their accomplishments will benefit countless patients far into the future. The IFSSH Membership therefore, expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Pioneers for enriching our passion, Hand Surgery."
2023 |
J TANG, CHINA: Challenging dogma in hand surgery (Spring Meeting)
R SABAPATHY, India: Building to make a difference (Autumn Meeting) |
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Douglas Lamb was the first Honorary Secretary of the Society from 1969-1975, President in 1977 and later on President of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand. He was known internationally as a pioneer in hand surgery. An annual lecture given at the BSSH Scientific Meetings by an overseas speaker was established in his memory.
2003 |
D P GREEN, USA; Two Drips in the Bucket (Spring Meeting) |
2004 |
W A MORRISON, AUSTRALIA; Spontaneous Tissue Regeneration: A Model for Tissue Engineering (Autumn Meeting) |
2005 |
R SABAPATHY, INDIA; Major Replantations of the Upper Limb (Spring Meeting) |
2006 |
no lecture |
2007 |
A T BISHOP, USA; Vascularised Bone Grafts in Hand Surgery (Autumn Meeting) |
2008 |
S E R HOVIUS, Netherlands; Operating on the Hand: What I used to do and still do (Spring Meeting) |
2009 |
P J STERN, USA; Psychiatric Disorders in the Upper Extremity (Autumn Meeting) |
2010 |
S P J KAY, LEEDS: The Paediatric Hand (Spring Meeting) |
2011 |
T BRUSHART, USA: Evaluating the Outcome of Experimental Nerve Repair (Autumn Meeting) |
2012 |
B ADAMS, USA: My Successes and Failures in Hand and Wrist Arthroplasty (Autumn Meeting) |
2013 |
S P J Kay, LEEDS: Missing Hands (Spring Meeting) |
2014 |
no lecture |
2015 |
L R SCHEKER: Understanding the Distal Radioulnar Joint (Autumn Meeting) |
2016 |
M A TONKIN, SYDNEY: Guns, Bugs, Drugs and Scalpels |
2017 |
S E R HOVIOUS, NETHERLANDS: Evidence basis of congenital Hand Surgery |
2018 |
N JONES, USA: The Contribution of Microsurgery to Hand and Upper Limb Surgery (Spring Meeting) |
2019 |
J DIAS, NOTTINGHAM: Back to the Future: The distal radius fracture story |
2020 |
K CHUNG: lecture not delivered due to Covid-19 pandemic |
2021 |
D SAMMUT: The Language of the Hand |
2022 |
K CHUNG: Outcome measures where did we begin where does it end? (Autumn Meeting) |
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A few years ago, a second lectureship was started. The Harold Bolton lecture was commenced following a donation from his family to the society.
2017 |
D RING, USA: Psychological Aspects of Hand Surgery |
2018 |
R MEALS , LOS ANGELES: Teaching and Learning Musculoskeletal Anatomy through the Ages |
2019 |
E ZANCOLLI, BUENOS AIRES: The Anatomy and Pathophysiology of the Extensor Mechanism of the Finger |
2020 |
S HODGSON, UK: BSSH Overseas 2011-20:Cultural Lessons for home and Abroad Delivered at the virtual meeting |
2021 |
C HERAS-PALOU, UK: Unravelling Pain |
2022 |
W LAM, UK: Turing Enigma and the developing hand- a journey of discovery, collaboration and reflection |
2023 |
No lecture due to introduction of Pioneers lecture |
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A prize of £500 will be awarded for the best oral presentation at the Spring and Autumn Scientific Meetings. A further £250 prize will be awarded for the best poster presentation at each meeting (please see the subsequent section).
1992 |
D A MCGROUTHER: Lumbrical Function: Contraction during Lengthening |
1993 |
G E B GIDDINS: Spot Weld Injuries of the Hand |
1994 |
K G ANDREW: Expression of Platelet Derived Growth Factor and its Receptors in Dupuytren's Disease |
1995 |
P N HALL: Is Dermofasciectomy the best Treatment for Dupuytren's Disease? A review of 91 X-rays |
1996 |
J G M MCDIARMID: Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) and the Initiation of Vertebrate Limb Development |
J HARRIS: The Interactive Hand |
1997 |
1998 |
no prize awarded |
1999 |
N BORISCH: Treatment of Radio-ulnar Synostosis by Resection and Interposition of a Septofascial Flap: A Case Report |
2000 |
D J SHEWRING: Avulsion Fractures from the Base of the Proximal Phalanges of the Fingers |
2001 |
P LOREA: Denervation of the First Carpo-metacarpal Joint: Anatomical Basis |
2002 |
P N MOHANNA: Long Gap Peripheral Nerve Repair using a Composite PHB-GGF Conduit |
2003 |
E DONNA: Optimising Performance of the Cruciate Four-strand Tendon RepairM TOHILL: Functional Muscle Reinnervation following MGF Enhanced Axonal Regeneration |
2004 |
W L LAM: Pentoxyfylline Inhibits Contraction of Dupuytren's Disease Fibroblasts in a Collagen Gel Lattice Model
M ROBERTS: Ligament Attachments to the Scaphoid Bone: A Study in 32 Cadaver Wrists |
2005 |
W TOWNLEY: Targeting Matrix Remodelling by Dupuytren's Fibroblasts |
2006 |
M C MILLER: Tendon Rupture in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evidence that MT1-MMP Plays a Role
F YA'ISH: Clinical Assessment of Peripheral Nerve Injuries: A Novel Diagnostic Tool |
2007 |
H NAGATA: The Natural History of Carpel Tunnel
B SINGH: In vivo Measurement of DRUJ Translation |
2008 |
M A AKHAVANI: Tenosynovial Angiogenesis in Rheumatoid Hand Disease |
2009 |
G BECKER: Operative Techniques for Primary Dupuytren's Disease: A Systematic Review |
2010 |
L S VERJEE: Pathophysiology of Dupuytren's Disease |
2011 |
A KARANTANA: A Randomised Prospective Clinical Trial Comparing Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures with Volar Locking Plate and Conventional Percutaneous Methods |
2012 |
I DEGREEF: Therapy-resisting Dupuytren's Disease: A New Era in Adjuvant Treatment Approach?
O HARLEY: Four-year Outcomes of Neuflex PIP Joint Arthroplasty / Long-term Outcomes of Finsbury PIP Joint Arthroplasty for Osteoarthritis
A WILLIAMS: Outcomes of Modified Brunelli Procedure in Professional Athletes with Scapholunate Instability |
2013 |
A KARANTANA: Cost-effectiveness of Volar Locking Plate versus Percutanious Fixation for the Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures: An economic Evaluation alongside a Clinical Trial |
2014 |
A McKEAN: Incidence and Shoulder Outcome of Unilateral Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury in the Scottish Population |
2015 |
C LIPEDE: A Review of Paediatric Campotodactyly in a Supra-regional Paediatric Hand Unit |
2016 |
no prize awarded |
2017 |
no prize awarded |
2018 |
no prize awarded |
2019 |
no prize awarded |
2020 |
R WADE: The comparative efficacy of chlorhexidine gluconate and povidone-iodine antiseptics for the prevention of infection in clean surgery: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
A KHEIRAN: Scaphoid non-union advanced collapse - how soon does it occur and what is its impact? |
2021 |
S GUJRAL: Prisoners with hand injuries - improving the pathway of care (January)
S R DESHMUKH: Surgical treatment of dorsally displaced distal radial fractures with a volar locking plate versus conventional percutaneous methods: minimum ten year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial (Spring)
R WADE: The efficacy and safety of different surgical techniques for Cubital Tunnel Decompression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis (Autumn) |
2022 |
A KHOURY (Presenter) AHMED (Author) – Effectiveness of Opt-in Management for Wrist Ganglions (Autumn) |
2023 |
S BELLRINGER: Biomechanical analysis of cadaveric wrists before and after Motec wrist arthroplasty using a Hexapod Robot. (Spring)
Prize donated by John Stanley Trust
P STIRLING: The normal hand score in patients undergoing carpal tunnel decompression. (Autumn)
Prize sponsored by LEDA |
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A Poster Prize of £250 is awarded for the best poster presentation at the Spring and Autumn Scientific Meetings.
2005 |
T HALSEY: Modified Splintage - Stronger, Cheaper, Lighter Plaster Cast Immobilisation (Autumn) |
2006 |
A MIDDLETON: Failure of the Mathys Finger Joint Replacement System (Autumn) |
2007 |
M S U HASSAN: The Outcome of Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a General Plastic Surgery Unit: A Prospective Study (Spring)
S S MEHTA: Hook Plate Fixation of FDP Avulsion Fractures (Autumn) |
2008 |
T GREEN: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Validation of a Clinic Based Nerve Conduction Measurement Device (Spring) |
J CHOUEKA: Interobserver Reliability of the Thirty Degree Lateral View in Assessing Screw Position following Volar Plating of the Distal Radius (Spring)
B DALA-ALI: The Efficacy of Steroid Injections for Trigger Finger (Spring)
H GBEJUADE: Complications and Outcomes after Treatment of Distal Radial Fractures with a Volar Locking Plate (Autumn)
H TUNNICLIFFE: Therapy Management of PIP Joint Arthroplasty Management: A Survey of Therapists' Perspectives (Autumn) |
2009 |
2010 |
J GIDDIE: Early Results of Pyrocarbon Proximal Inerphalangeal Joint Replacement from a District General Hospital (Autumn) |
2011 |
A NICHOLLS: Sesamoid Arthrodesis of the Thumb Interphalangeal Joint (Spring)
N LLOYD: A Modification of the Souquet and Hueston Flaps in Fingertip Reconstruction (Autumn) |
2012 |
D MURRAY: Online Consent for Day Case Hand Surgery (Autumn) |
2013 |
O TILLO: The 'Door Trap': A Lurking Monster (Spring)
A ARETAKI: The Hand Trauma Coordinator Effect - One Year on (Autumn) |
2014 |
D YEOH: Wrist Replacement: A Systematic Review of the Evidence from the last Five Years (Spring)
J COELHO: "Bamboo Hand" - An Innovative Training Model for Hand Fracture Fixation (Autumn) |
2015 |
R TAHA: Pseudotumour Secondary to Metallosis following Total Wrist Arthroplasty - Case Repor (Spring)
J STREET: A Case Report of Methemoglobinemia following a Supraclavicular Prilocane Nerve Block for Ulnar Nerve Decompression (Autumn) |
2016 |
S ROBINSON: Traction Tinsel's Sign (Spring) |
2017 |
no prize awarded |
2018 |
no prize awarded |
2019 |
no prize awarded |
2020 |
no prize awarded |
2021 |
R KAMBLE: Tension band wire vs Apex intramedullary fusion device for hand proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis (Spring)
J WORMALD: Epidemiology of acute flexor tendon injury and an analysis of severe adverse outcomes – a study of 101,559 patients in England & Wales (Autumn) |
2022 |
EL-SHISHTAWY: The Subcutaneous Pulp Flap for management of fingertip injuries – revisited (Autumn) |
2023 |
H BURTON: Assessing bone mineral density using radiographs of the hand (Spring)
S SHAFI: Operating outside of the main theatre and the risk of SSI in hand trauma: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Autumn) |
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The Royal College of Surgeons of England publishes a Handbook of Awards for research and other study as well as details of lectures that are held at the College. Information is available from the General Office, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 38-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE.
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