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For health information and advice, read the NHS pages on coronavirus. Learn about the government response to coronavirus on GOV.UK. Following recent updates in guidance from NHS England and the Government, we remind people to take care while self-isolating at home and during this period of national lockdown. Trauma departments are running reduced services as hospital staff are busy dealing with those unwell from Covid-19.
Avoiding injury, means avoiding hospital and avoiding unnecessary exposure. To avoid hand injury during the Covid-19 pandemic and protect NHS resources, please be extra cautious when …

- Ensure your safety
- Raise your hand above the level of your heart
- Consider applying a cold pack
- Take simple pain relief
- Apply direct firm pressure with a clean cloth
- Find the part and briefly rinse under clean tap water
- Wrap the part in a clean cloth
- Seal the wrapped part inside a plastic bag
- Place the bag in some tap water and ice
- Wash the wound with soap and tepid water
- Apply a clean dressing
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The British Orthopaedic Association have released a message to people waiting for joint replacement and other orthopaedic surgery. Please click here to view the statement in full.

Click here to read our patient information leaflets on some of the common hand injuries
Find NHS urgent care centres and minor injury units close to you.
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During this pandemic it is important we prioritise the safety of not only our patients, but also our healthcare staff. We have put together a small repository of information we feel will be useful to surgeons and allied healthcare professionals treating hand injuries. This is supplemented with our updated Hand Injuries Triage App.
Covid-19 Support Documents
BSSH Hand Injury Triage App
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