13 June 2024 (Last updated: 21 Jun 2024 16:56)
Summary and Highlights: BSSH Instructional Course Manchester 7th - 8th June 2024
The first course in series 9 of the BSSH Instructional Courses in Hand Surgery was held in Manchester on 7th – 8th June 2024 and focused on soft tissue reconstruction, infection and burns.
Each new series of the BSSH Instructional Courses is an opportunity to introduce new ideas and evolve the course to maintain our reputation for delivering world-leading face-to-face educational content in hand surgery. In a world where high-quality lectures on all aspects of hand surgery are available online, the BSSH Instructional Course provides opportunities available only in person. Small group tutorials, practical simulation work, facilitated case-based discussions, and networking opportunities are now the cornerstone of the experience of attending BSSH Instructional Courses.
Ahead of the course on June 7th-8th, registered delegates received links to pre-recorded 45-minute podcasts. This pre-course audio content allowed faculty members to cover fundamental concepts in advance, enabling delegates to arrive already primed with some background material and leading to higher-level discussions during the tutorials. The production quality and content of the podcasts were well received by delegates and will continue throughout Series 9.
Please feel free to listen and share this link to the podcasts by clicking the link below:
Head here to listen to the Podcasts.
An exceptional faculty was convened, selected not only for their expertise but also for their passion and abilities as teachers. It was a privilege to have our current president, Ms. Grainne Bourke, on the faculty, as well as the current president of the Indian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Hari Venkatramani. The faculty also included representation from Europe (Pierluigi Tos from Italy and Roísín Dolan from Ireland) and esteemed colleagues from all areas of the UK.
The first morning of the course was dedicated to presentations from the faculty covering all aspects of soft tissue reconstruction, including wound assessment and initial debridement, arterial injuries, compartment syndrome, the mangled hand, replantation, pedicled flap reconstruction, and the challenges of managing soft tissue injuries in military and humanitarian environments. After lunch, parallel sessions were available, with one aimed primarily at plastic surgeons covering microsurgery reconstruction, and the other aimed at orthopaedic hand surgeons, focusing on non-microsurgical reconstructive options and collaboration with the reconstructive team.

Delegates and faculty at Instructional Courses , Soft tissue, burns and reconstruction, in June 2024, Manchester
The remainder of Friday was spent in small groups rotating through 40-minute tutorials: acute hand infections, chronic hand infections, decision-making in complex defects, thumb and fingertip planning, local flaps, burns, microsurgery, and scar management. These tutorials allowed points of technique and principle to be explored interactively and based on clinical cases.
A particular highlight of the tutorial section was a practical microsurgery workshop, where all delegates had the opportunity to practice their microsurgery skills under the supervision of the faculty. The organizing committee is immensely grateful to the Preston microsurgery team for lending their training microscopes for the duration of the course.
The welcome reception at the close of Friday was a highlight for many. This was a chance for delegates and faculty to meet each other, catch up with old friends, and make new ones. On Saturday morning, delegates rotated through the remainder of their tutorials before reconvening for lecture sessions on infection and burns. In the final complex case workshop session, faculty members presented challenging cases and discussed the decision-making behind each one. This session brought together the concepts and principles covered over the two days.
The first course in Series 9 of the BSSH Instructional Course heralded some changes in format and content with the introduction of mixed tutorials and lectures over both days, pre-course material, more practical simulation, and a welcome reception. These changes were well received and will continue throughout Series 9. Whether you are a senior consultant, new consultant, trainee at any level, hand therapist, orthopaedic surgeon, or plastic surgeon, there is much to be gained from attending a BSSH instructional course. Along with a comprehensive 2-day program of carefully considered educational content delivered by a world-class faculty, the organizing committee is confident you will enjoy the atmosphere and networking opportunities of being at a face-to-face course among like-minded colleagues and return to your practice inspired, refreshed, and energized.

Faculty and Delegates at Instructional Courses- Soft Tissue reconstruction, Burns and infection, Manchester 7-8th June 2024
We hope you will consider joining us for the BSSH Instructional Course experience at one of our future courses in Series 9. These courses are running twice a year over the next three years and will cover the entire syllabus in hand surgery. For full details of future courses, click the link below:
Head here for the Instructional Courses Overview.
The next course in Series 9 will be on Hand Fractures and Joint Injuries and will be held in Manchester on February 7th-8th, 2025. We look forward to welcoming you there.
Head here for Fractures and Joint injuries registration page.
Mike Lamyman and Nick Riley, Co-Chairs of the Instructional Course organising committee.
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