27 February 2024 (Last updated: 27 Feb 2024 13:02) by BSSH

Dear BSSH members,
We would like to invite you to nominate a candidate for the next FESSH Congress in Rotterdam.
The European Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) is launching the ‘FESSH Giants’. This scheme will recognise and acknowledge surgeons who have greatly contributed to hand surgery in the last decades. The successful candidates will be invited on stage and congratulated at the FESSH Congress each year.
More information on the Congress can be found here.
BSSH have been invited to nominate one candidate and we would like to receive nominations from the BSSH membership for consideration. The eligible nominations will be voted on by BSSH Council members on the electronic Mi-Voice platform using a single transferrable voting methodology. The successful candidate will be put forward to FESSH as the BSSH nomination.
The deadline for receipt of nominations is Sunday 10th March 2023 23:59.
The information provided on this form will be used by the BSSH Council when placing their votes, so please try to be as detailed as possible.
Click the link below to complete the survey. It will take no more than 3 minutes.
FESSH Giants 2024 Scheme - Nomination Form Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Thank you for your time.
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