08 February 2024 (Last updated: 14 Feb 2024 10:40)
The BSSH LION Hand Unit has now started its second year of this 5 year project and the momentum and energy continues to grow, with new volunteers engaging and adding value to this inspiring project in more ways than we could ever have imagined . The dedication, stamina and professionalism shown by all the volunteers has been exemplary, with each one bringing something different to this high quality Orthoplastic Hand Service in Malawi. To date 14 Consultants, 8 Trainees and 8 Hand Therapists (30 volunteers) have worked as part of this multi-disciplinary Hand Service either at Kamuzu Central Hospital or in the new LION Hospital, with the Volunteer calendar for 2024 now full. The project aims are to ‘Educate, Enable and Empower’ our partners in the Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Departments at the LION Hospital to raise the quality of Hand Surgery and Therapy at KCH/LION and in the wider region. The hospital is the largest trauma receiving hospital in the country (equivalent to a Level 1 Trauma Centre) and the LION deals with everything including the most complex upper and lower limb fractures, spinal injuries and severe hand trauma. The BSSH LION Hand Unit is now receiving tertiary referrals from other hospitals in the country.
Abdul Hassan operating with Lt. Col Gladys Ngondo on her first day as the BSSH LION Hand Fellow at LION in Malawi 1st February 2024.
We have been made very welcome guests at the LION Hospital, working as part of their specialist Orthopaedic Service and it remains a privilege for the BSSH to help run the Hand Unit along the guidelines set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The bespoke Educational Programme we are continuing to develop runs on a weekly basis and provides the hand and wrist teaching across the whole curriculum to Surgical Residents, Therapists and Emergency Department staff. We have also designed a BSSH Hand Fellowship programme and our first Fellow, Lt Col. Gladys Ngondo, started her six-month Fellowship experience on the 1st February 2024. This will include a 2 week Travelling Fellowship to visit a UK Hand Unit later this year. It is hoped that this Fellowship will entice other aspiring Hand Surgeons to work in the Unit, thus raising the profile of this sub-specialty in Malawi and improve the prospect of our aim of creating a sustainable hand service in the future, once the BSSH project finishes in 4 years’ time.
The project has many varied workstreams including the Volunteer Programme, weekly virtual MDT meetings between our team on the ground and a support network back in the UK, Education, Training and Hand Fellowship supervision, Finance, Fundraising, Risk & Governance, Audit, Research and International Partnerships. The multi-disciplinary BSSH LION Leadership Team (BLLT) currently comprises Consultants Jonathan Jones, Chrishan Mariathas, Kate Owers, Matthew Ricks, Sean Walsh and Martin Wood; the Trainee Leads are Tom Bochmann and Rowa Taha and the Therapy Leads are Chloe Baxter and Sarah Mee. We also have BSSH LION Fundraising, Education and Research sub-c and the extended team continues to grow alongside the incredible effort and patience of the secretariat.
We are extremely grateful for the continued support from successive BSSH Presidents, Council and the Membership. Every BSSH member is in one way or other a stakeholder and has contributed to this ambitious, challenging and exciting project, either via their membership fee or by direct involvement. We have together managed to overcome many hurdles during the initial stages of this project, whether it be equipment, logistics or just the day-to-day challenges of life in Malawi or difficulties with communication and misunderstandings. There always seems to be something to keep us on our toes, but incredible teamwork and resilience, alongside managing everyone’s expectations goes a long way and the project is thriving.
The BSSH can be proud that its extended Global Partnerships Team has successfully launched a Specialist Hand Unit in one of the poorest countries in the world. We still have many challenges to face, one of which is the on-going funding of the project and the later planning of the sustainable Hand Service which is “stand alone”. Although we will no doubt continue a long-term partnership both formally, and also informally through the friendships and networks made with colleagues, to ensure measurable success of this project.
So far, we have raised about £140,000 with a target of £500,000 for the 5 years and we remain indebted to all those who have supported us financially, especially those who have been out running, cycling, rowing and doing other fundraising activities for this very worthy cause! We are especially grateful to Osteotec who named BSSH as their 2023 Charity and helped raise about £19,000 via their 30th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner at Oakley Hall in December and their BOLOS (BSSH Osteotec Lake of Stars Challenge).
The BSSH LION Leadership Team (BLLT) will continue to update members via the Bulletin, at the Scientific meetings and through the new BSSH LION Webpage. We are still looking for further Surgeons and Therapists to volunteer from December 2024 onwards - if you are interested please contact the Secretariat secretariat@bssh.ac.uk. For those who are not able or may not wish to visit Malawi at this time, please still HELP US TO HEAL THE HANDS OF MALAWI by helping us with the fundraising, either individually or via your contacts using the BSSH Just Giving page. At a time when the UK government has cut its funding for LMICs and there are increasing pressures for those people living in these impoverished countries, it is imperative that we ensure this project succeeds.
Any questions about anything to do with the project should contact a member of the BLLT - Leadership Team (listed above) via the BSSH Secretariat. If you have any questions regarding volunteering or fundraising – please contact secretariat@bssh.ac.uk
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