Autumn abstract submissions open
13 April 2022 (Last updated: 30 May 2022 13:01)

We are pleased to announce that abstract submission is now open for this year's highly anticipated Autumn Scientific Meeting in the form of a free paper or poster.
Abstract submission instructions
Please note that we have removed the option of submitting an abstract on a topic as the review committee will place the abstract in the programme based on the content.
- The language of this meeting is English.
- Abstract title must not exceed 30 words.
- Abstracts must not exceed 300 words.
- Please write the title of the abstract in sentence case.
- Tables, graphs or other graphic elements will not be accepted, and should not be included in the abstract.
It is recommended that the following headings are used when submitting abstracts:
- Aims
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
An introduction should not be included unless essential.
If you are submitting a 'case report' or 'point of technique' please state this in the title. Remember, if it falls into this category it may be better submitted as a poster.
Please add the Senior Author as the last Author on your abstract submission as there is no tick box for this. Please state that they are a 'Senior' in the Position field.
Click here to submit an abstract or click here to find out more about this meeting.
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