My first BSSH Council Meeting
Lindsay Muir
04 June 2021 (Last updated: 14 Oct 2021 10:29)
I was very pleased but slightly surprised to have been paid the compliment of being elected to the council of the BSSH for 2021-2023. The night before the first meeting I polished my shoes, cleaned behind my ears, made sure my pencils were all sharp and looked at the paperwork in preparation for the meeting. This ran to 182 pages. I realised that this might not be quite so easy as being chairman of the ICHS.
The meeting covered topics ranging from the usual review of minutes and matters outstanding to reports on finances, secretariat, communications, diploma, audit, research, instructional courses, education, TIG, trauma, FESSH and IFSSH. We had presentations about coding, from the Cranfield Trust and discussed the Pulvertaft prize amongst other topics.
My first impressions are of excitement at how much there is for us to do in our society and the enthusiasm and huge amounts of hard work that go in behind the scenes to ensure that the society does not simply survive but evolves and matures and progresses. The number of projects that are in progress is amazing. The depth and breadth of the Society's work is huge – I had not appreciated quite how much goes on from my position in the body of the kirk. There were points of disagreement, but all in most civilised tones. I am hugely encouraged by the desire of the Council members to encourage transparency and to reach not only all members of the Society but even beyond to medical students. I marvel again at the skill, wisdom and erudition of my fellow council members. I am sure it is going to be a fun 3 years ahead. I am grateful to have been elected and thank those of you who have been kind enough to vote for me and those for whom another candidate would have been their preferred choice.
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