BSSH Home Interactive Hand Hand Conditions Search for a condition below or select the type of condition you have: Change hands Your Hand "Begin by moving your cursor over the top or underside of the hand and clicking the area that you wish to know more about. Patients Hand DisordersDe Quervain's syndrome Trigger finger/thumb Ganglion cysts Carpal tunnel syndrome Cubital tunnel syndrome Basal thumb arthritis Terminal finger joint arthritis Dupuytren's disease Congenital Hand ConditionsHand InjuriesBoutonniere injury Extensor tendon injury Flexor tendon injury Mallet finger injury Thumb extensor tendon (EPL) rupture General information on hand fractures Finger dislocations Finger sprains Skier's thumb Volar plate injury Nerve injury Hand Wounds Nailbed injuries Wrist Sprains Hands ReworkedWhat is Hand Surgery?Find a BSSH MemberChildren's Hand ClinicsDouble hand transplantation What is Hand Therapy?Find a Hand TherapistThe Scar Free FoundationThe James Lind AllianceGet InvolvedHands On. The BSSH Patient NetworkPatient Information Working GroupPublic and Patient InitiativeGlossary Print this page