11 March 2025
It is with immense sadness that we wish to announce that David Evans passed away on 7th March 2025 after a long and debilitating illness.
David was a giant of our profession; many who will read this will have been trained by him directly or through those he taught. He served BSSH and BAPRAS well, over decades on both Councils and in the capacity of President of both Societies. He was also Editor of the Journal of Hand Surgery (E) for a number of years as well as archivist to the BSSH and president of BAHT. He was recognised as a Pioneer in Hand Surgery by IFSSH for his tremendous contruibution to the field. His clinical work was exceptional as many who sat at his feet at his Hand Clinic in Windsor will testify and he leaves a large and enduring body of work.
He lives on through the generations whom he inspired. He will be missed.
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