BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BSSH Instructional Course - Nerve and Tendon UID:4714 DESCRIPTION:BSSH Instructional Course - Nerve and Tendon\n\nFriday 5 and Saturday 6 February 2027\n\nOver a 3-year period a series of 2-day courses running in June and February each year will cover the entire syllabus in hand surgery. Each course will explore a subject area in depth with innovative teaching combining lectures\, small group tutorials and simulation. \n\nThe final course in series 9 of the BSSH instructional courses will run on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 February 2027 and explore traumatic and elective problems relating to nerve and tendon. Pre-course material will cover basic science of nerve and tendon healing as well as a guide to examination of the brachial plexus including the provocative tests for thoracic outlet syndrome. Through short lectures\, small group tutorials and simulation sessions\, an expert faculty will cover peripheral nerve injuries\, nerve compression\, tetraplegia and spasticity surgery\, tendon injury and rehabilitation\, nerve and tendon transfers for nerve palsy\, and elective tendon problems.\n\nMore information will be available later. \n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T121400Z DTSTART:20270205T131600Z DTEND:20270206T131600Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR