BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BSSH Instructional Course - Dupuytren’s Children’s Hand Surgery and Tumours UID:4712 DESCRIPTION:BSSH Instructional Course - Dupuytren’s Children’s Hand Surgery and Tumours\n\nFriday - 6 and Saturday 7 February 2026\n\nOver a 3-year period a series of 2-day courses running in June and February each year will cover the entire syllabus in hand surgery. Each course will explore a subject area in depth with innovative teaching combining lectures\, small group tutorials and simulation. \n\nThe fourth course in series 9 will cover three areas of hand surgery: Dupuytren’s\, Children’s hand surgery and Tumours and will run on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February 2026.\n\nAhead of the course delegates will receive pre-course material in the form of podcasts refreshing knowledge of the basic science of Dupuytren’s and giving an overview of the embryology of the hand.\n\nAlmost all hand surgeons will treat patients with Dupuytren’s in their elective practice and the course will provide delegates with a thorough understanding of the anatomy and treatment of this condition as well as providing an up-date as to where we are with development of future novel treatment avenues.\n\nChildren’s hand surgery is a challenging but immensely rewarding area of specialist practice. Surgeons treating children with congenital anomalies need to think not only as to what treatment is required now but also how that treatment will impact the child as they grow. The course will explore the assessment\, diagnosis\, decision making and surgical treatment of these challenging problems.\n\nBenign tumours of the hand are very common whereas malignant soft tissue tumours of the hand are very rare. The course will cover how the hand surgeon can differentiate between the two\, be confident in all aspects of managing benign tumours but also have awareness of the diagnostic and treatment challenges of managing sarcoma of the hand.\n\nMore information to follow soon. \n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T120800Z DTSTART:20260206T131000Z DTEND:20260207T131000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR